

刘伟 研究员








     刘伟,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师。20072012年毕业于北京航空航天大学,分获理学学士、凝聚态物理博士学位。20122017年曾就职于四川大学和电子科技大学物理系,2017年加入大连化学物理研究所,2020年晋升研究员。2010-2016年间,曾分别在爱尔兰圣三一学院和密歇根大学电镜中心访问交流。研究方向为催化过程动态解析,包括:(1)催化反应中活性位原子结构显微解析;(2)催化过程显微结构识别与跟踪定量;(3)原位催化表征装置与解析方法。在Nature Catal.JACSAngew. Chem. Int. Edit. Nano Lett.ACS Catal.等学术期刊上发表论文110余篇,授权专利7项。主持国家自然科学基金、中国科学院科研装备研制和院青促会优秀会员项目,担任中国科学院电镜技术联盟理事。


1. Zhang, X., Jin, C., Han, S., Guo, P., Zhou, Y.,* Liu, W.,* Shen, W.* Atomic Structure of the Fe3O4/Fe2O3 Interface During Phase Transition from Hematite to Magnetite. Inorganic Chemistry 62, 12111 (2023).

2. Han, J. Y.,# Yang, J. Y.,# Zhang, Z. X.,# Jiang, X. Z., Liu, W.,* Qiao, B. T.,* Mu, J. J.,* Wang, F. Strong Metal-Support Interaction Facilitated Multicomponent Alloy Formation on Metal Oxide Support. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 22671 (2023).

3. Lv, Y. Q., Wang, P., Liu, D. D., Zhang, F., Senftle, P. T.,* Zhang, G. H., Zhang Z. Y.,* Wang, J. M., Liu W.* Tracing the Active Phase and Dynamics for Carbon Nanofiber Growth on Nickel Catalyst Using Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy. Small Methods 6, 2270036 (2022).

4. Zhang, F., Pen, M., Spruit, R., Garza, P. H., Liu, W.* & Zhou, D.* Data Synchronization in Operando Gas and Heating TEM. Ultramicroscopy 238, 113549 (2022)

5. Zhang, F., Zhang, X. B., Jia, Z. H. and Liu, W. Precise Drift Tracking for In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy via a Thon-Ring Based Sample Position Measurement. Microscopy and Microanalysis 10.1017/S1431927622000691(2022)

6. Yang, J.,# Qi, H.,# Li, A.,# Liu, X., Yang, X.,* Zhang, S., Zhao, Q., Jiang, Q., Su, Y., Zhang, L., Li, J.-F.,* Tian, Z.-Q., Liu, W.,* Wang, A.* & Zhang, T. Potential-Driven Restructuring of Cu Single Atoms to Nanoparticles for Boosting the Electrochemical Reduction of Nitrate to Ammonia. Journal of the American Chemical Society DOI:10.1021/jacs.1022c02262 (2022).

7. Liu, S. H.,# Xu, H.,# Liu, D. D., Yu, H., Zhang, F., Zhang, P., Zhang, R. L., Liu, W.* Identify the Activity Origin of Pt Single-Atom Catalyst via Atom-by-Atom Counting. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, 15243-15249 (2021).

8. Liu, S., Xu, C., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Q., Yao, L., Liu, W.* Precisely identify the geometry of catalyst particles from S/TEM images via a boundary attention deep learning network. Material Today Communications 28 102728 (2021).

9. Wang, L. H., Liu, D. D., Zhang, F., Zhang, Z. Y.,* Cui, J. F., Jia, Z. H., Yu, Z. B., Lv, Y. Q., Liu, W.* Dynamics of the charging-induced imaging instability in transmission electron microscopy. Nanoscale Adv. 3, 3035-3040 (2021).

10.Zhang, X.#, Han, S.#, Zhu, B. #, Zhang, G. #, Li, X., Gao, Y.*, Wu, Z., Yang, B.*, Liu, Y., Baaziz, W., Ersen, O., Gu, M.*, Miller, J. T.& Liu, W.* Reversible loss of core–shell structure for Ni–Au bimetallic nanoparticles during CO2 hydrogenation. Nature Catalysis 3, 411-417 (2020).