

朱文良 研究员








      朱文良,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师。1996年毕业于大连理工大学,获工学学士学位;2005年毕业于中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,获得理学博士学位,并在日本北九州市立大学和Texas A&M University at Qatar做博士后研究。2009年受聘到中科院大连化学物理研究所,现为甲醇制烯烃国家重点实验室合成气转化研究组组长。2018年入选科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”。研究方向:主要从事能源领域中洁净燃料及大宗化学品的催化合成及反应新工艺研究。作为项目负责人先后承担了多个大型项目:带领研究团队实现全球首套10万吨/年合成气制乙醇工业示范项目一次投产成功,被誉为我国新型煤化工产业化技术应用的又一次重大突破,入选中国科学院2017年年度科技创新亮点成果,并获2018年中国科学院科技促进发展奖。以此为基础,成立公司,实现技术大规模推广应用,服务国家经济发展。另外,在可降解材料乙醇酸甲酯和大宗化学品乙二醇合成方面又取得重大突破,项目已经进入工业化实施阶段。基础研究方面,在Nature CommunicationsAngew. Chem. Int. Ed.ACSChemical Communications等学术期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇。回国后申请国内外专利近300项,已经授权约80余项。


1.Youming Ni, Zhiyang Chen, Yi Fu, Yong Liu, Wenliang Zhu*, Zhongmin Liu*, Selective conversion of CO2 and H2 into aromatics, Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 3457.

2.Youming Ni, Yong Liu, Zhiyang Chen, Miao Yang, Hongchao Liu, Yanli He, Yi Fu, Wenliang Zhu*, Zhongmin Liu*, Realizing and Recognizing Syngas-to-Olefins Reaction via a Dual-Bed Catalyst, ACS Catal., 2019,1026-1032 .

3.Zhiyang Chen, Youming Ni, Yuchun Zhi, Fuli Wen, Ziqiao Zhou, Yingxu Wei, Wenliang Zhu,*and Zhongmin Liu*, Coupling of Methanol and Carbon Monoxide over H-ZSM-5 to Form aromatics,    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 12549-12553r.

4.Youming Ni, Wenliang Zhu*, Zhongmin Liu*, H?ZSM-5-Catalyzed Hydroacylation Involved in the Coupling of Methanol and Formaldehyde to Aromatics, ACS Catalysis, 2019(9), 11398-11403.

5.Yi Fu, Youming Ni, Wenliang Zhu*, Zhongmin Liu*, Enhancing syngas-to-aromatics performance of ZnO&H-ZSM-5 composite catalyst via Mn modulation, JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, 2020, 383, 97-102.

6.Yanping Chen, Youming Ni, Yong Liu, Hongchao Liu, Xiangang Ma, Shiping Liu, Wenliang Zhu*, Zhongmin Liu*, Sintered precipitated iron catalysts with enhanced fragmentation-resistance ability for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis to lower olefins, Catal. Sci. Technol.2018, 8, 5943-5954.

7.Zhanling Ma, Xiangang Ma, Hongchao Liu, Yanli He, Wenliang Zhu,* Xinwen Guo and Zhongmin Liu, green route to methyl acrylate and acrylic acid by an aldol condensation reaction over H-ZSM-35 zeolite catalysts, Chemical Communications,        2017, 53, 9071-9074.

8.Youming Ni, Lei Shi, Hongchao Liu, Wenna Zhang, Yong Liu, Wenliang Zhu* and Zhongmin Liu *, A green route for methanol carbonylation, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7, 4818-4822.

9.Zhanling Ma, Xiangang Ma, Hongchao Liu, Wenliang Zhu*, Xinwen Guo, Zhongmin Liu*, One step aldol condensation reaction of DMM and methyl acetate over supported Cs/ZSM-35 zeolite catalysts, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2018, 39, 1129-1137.

10.Zhanling Ma, Xiangang Ma, Youming Ni, Hongchao Liu, Wenliang Zhu*, Xinwen Guo, Zhongmin Liu*, HZSM‐35 zeolite catalyzed aldol condensation reaction to prepare acrylic acid and its ester: Effect of its acidic property, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2018, 39(11), 1762-1769.